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15th October, 2024

How to Promote Good Mental Health for You and Your Kids

With Dr Beth Mosley MBE

Photo of Dr Beth Mosley MBE

Listen to this episode

On this episode

No parent wants to think about messing up their kids. We worry about being too controlling or failing to meet their needs perfectly. This can lead us to try and fix every problem for them, smoothing their path and preventing failure.

But kids need to experience challenges and failures. They help build resilience, teach problem-solving skills, and deepen their emotional intelligence. When we encourage them to face difficulties, we teach them they have agency over their lives, and we prepare them for the real world.

In this episode, children’s mental health specialist Dr Beth Mosley sets out how we can give ourselves a break from trying to make everything perfect, and how we can create a safe environment where our kids know they can ask for help. Ultimately this means listening to our gut.

Wanting the best for our children means equipping them for life ahead, teaching them how to manage their emotions and communicate openly. Without these fundamentals, kids can struggle to develop resilience and problem-solving skills, and pick up unhealthy coping mechanisms.

But by embracing imperfection, trusting our instincts, and understanding what our own emotions are telling us, we can model and promote good mental health for our families.

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About the guests

Dr Beth Mosley MBE photo

Reasons to listen

  • For practical advice on balancing parenting with professional responsibilities and how to avoid overprotective parenting styles
  • To learn strategies for helping children and adults manage emotions and build resilience in challenging situations
  • To understand the importance of letting kids experience failure and disappointment to develop problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence

Episode highlights


How to screw up your kids


Helicopter and lawnmower parenting


Problem-solving as a parent


What to do when you’ve lost the plot


How to stop fighting worry


Finding your cheerleaders


Window of tolerance


Beth’s top tips

Episode transcript

[00:00:00] Rachel: There’s a poem by Philip block. And you’ve probably heard I’ll paraphrase it slightly, but it opens like this. They muck you up your mum and dad, they may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had and add some extra just for you. [00:00:13] Rachel: This week, I’m talking to Dr. Beth Mosley about ways that we can model what good mental health looks like, even if we don’t get it right a hundred percent of the time. How can we strike the right balance between giving our kids a smooth…

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