You’re not a frog, you’re a…Brilliant Badger!

Brilliant Badger

Badgers are intelligent, sociable and brave. But when you’re stuck in a system you can’t control over, it can be hard to know how to find your own power and avoid overwhelm.

These 5 episodes are all about setting boundaries and a system that’s always demanding more, letting go of things you can’t control, and finding the choices you can make.

The Problem With Boundaries – Episode 161

Embacing Your Limits In A Limitless System – Episode 151

You Choose – Episode 141

What To Do When You Are Overwhelmed – Episode 132

How To Say F*ck It And Become Ridiculously Relaxed – Episode 130

I hope these podcasts help you find the freedom you need the thrive – and the power to change the parts of the system you can, and let go of the ones you can’t.

Enjoy listening – and if you enjoy it, do leave us a review on your favourite podcast platform – they really help us reach more people!

Don’t worry, we’ve also emailed you this playlist so you can access it at your leisure.

Love, Rachel.