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15th March, 2022

How to Get an Appraisal That Doesn’t Suck

With Rachel Morris

Dr Rachel Morris

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On this episode

Doctors and healthcare professionals are so busy that they would rather do other things than spend hours working on their appraisals. However, appraisals are a vital part of your medical career. This process allows you to reflect on your past experiences and figure out how to move forward.

Dr Susi Caesar joins us to talk about how you can elevate and enjoy your professional life with annual appraisals. She shares the purpose of appraisals and how they can help you choose the best way forward in your career and personal life. Dr Susi also gives her top tips on what you can do to make this process more meaningful.

If you want to know more about appraisals and how you can benefit from them, stay tuned to this episode.

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Reasons to listen

  1. Understand the purpose of appraisals and why you need to take part in it.
  2. Get tips on how you can make a good appraisal.
  3. Find out how your appraiser can help you identify problems, solve them and plan for the future.

Episode highlights


About Appraisals


The Misunderstanding About Appraisals 


How to be a Critical Friend


The Importance of Communication Skills


Efficient Documentation 


Catching Red Flags


Burnout Among Doctors


Dr Susi’s Tips for a Good Appraisal


Choosing Your Appraiser


Dr Susi’s Final Tips for the Episode

Episode transcript

Dr Susi Caesar: I think the main problem is a lack of understanding of the basics. What you said at the beginning was — surely your appraisal is a pass-fail, and if you don’t understand it as a quality improvement tool, if you don’t understand it as an opportunity, once a year with a peer, to just stop in a confidential protected headspace and thing, then it’s set up incorrectly from the very beginning. Rachel Morris: We’ve all been there, up till 3am, getting the paperwork together for our appraisal, and wondering if we’ve done enough CPD to pass it.…

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