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On this episode
Do you ever feel like you’re not being heard? Or like you’re under pressure and there’s never enough time? Few of us get the chance to truly be listened to – coaching can help with that.
It’s not therapy or listening to someone else’s advice. It’s about exploring solutions yourself, with guidance. Coaching gives you permission to take a tricky situation and ask “If this were different, what would I notice?”.
Coaching allows us to think to the end of our thoughts, with someone who listens and asks generative questions. And by adopting a coaching mindset, we can help our teams solve problems by using the skills and knowledge they already have.
If you’ve felt burnt out or resentful, help is at hand. This week, transformational coach, trainer, and author Tom Dillon joins Rachel to explore how different coaching approaches can help you reclaim your agency, think more clearly, and act positively.
Show links
Your Coaching Journey – Use the code FROGSPAWN for a 20% discount on Tom’s course
More episodes of You Are Not a Frog:
- Episode 163 – Why Can’t I Say No
- Episode 67 – Bringing Your Best Self to Work, with Dr Sarah Goulding
- Episode 63 – How to Survive Even When Times are Tough, with Dr Caroline Walker
Download the episode’s workbook and CPD form. You can use them for reflection and to submit for your appraisal.
About the guests

Tom Dillon is a transformational coach and coach trainer on the Doctors’ Transformational Coaching Diploma. He’s the author of Agile Resilience: The psychology of developing resilience in the workplace. Tom’s Transformational Coaching Diploma programme is designed to train doctors to become transformational coaches.
Follow Tom Dillon
Reasons to listen
- To learn about the benefits of coaching, including how it can transform your life and provide a space for thinking and exploration
- To understand how coaching differs from therapy and mentoring, and why coaching is a valuable tool for healthcare professionals
- To discover different coaching approaches, like the person-centred and solution-focused approaches, and how they can be used to help you generate options and make your own decisions
Episode highlights
What haas coaching ever done for us?
Coaching vs therapy
The power of being listened to
Hearing back what you’ve just said
The person-centred approach to coaching
Are doctors good listeners?
The solution-focused approach to coaching
When negative beliefs prevent us from imagining solutions
Cognitive behavioural approach
Somatic approach to coaching
Neuroscience approach
Gestalt coaching approach
Coaching “the uncoachable”
Taking a coaching approach
Work with Tom
Your Coaching Journey
Episode transcript
[00:00:00] Rachel: Doctors and other people in the caring professions tend to think that they’re brilliant listeners. But is that always the case? Of course we’re under pressure and there’s never enough time. But one of the things I’ve learned since becoming a coach and being coached, is that being heard is incredibly valuable. And that would just not listen to enough. [00:00:20] Rachel: Coaching isn’t about lying on a therapist’s couch or sitting with a guru as they dispense wisdom. It’s really about uncovering and exploring solutions yourself. Just having that guidance, and even that permission to take a…