You’re not a frog, you’re a…Mighty Mole!

Mighty Mile

Moles are formidable creatures – powerful, determined, and ambitious. But when you feel stuck, powerless or trapped at work, you might feel as though you’ve taken a wrong turn!

This playlist is designed to open up some new routes, help you find the choices that aren’t always obvious, and reconnect you to your sense of purpose.

Flight Plan – Episode 165

Burn Out On Repeat – Episode 160

You Choose – Episode 141

Job Crafting – Episode 144

The Surprising Power of Self Coaching – Episode 117

Research shows that a lack of autonomy is a huge contributor to stress – and it’s demoralizing to feel as though no matter what you do you’re not making a dent in the bigger picture.

So my hope is that these podcast episodes will help you find the power you have even in the most challenging of situations.

I believe you always have a choice – and understanding what that is will transform your life.

Enjoy listening to this podcast playlist – and if you enjoy it, do leave us a review on your favourite podcast platform – they really help us reach more people!

Don’t worry, we’ve also emailed you this playlist so you can access it at your leisure.

Love, Rachel.