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There’s a form for each podcast, pre-filled with information about each episode. You can download a Word or PDF version – whichever suits you best.

Episode 229: Is My Attachment Style Causing My Burnout?

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Episode 228: Are you an accidental toxic leader?

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Episode 227: What Does High-Performance Look Like?

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Episode 226: The 3 Lies Which Hold Us Back

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Episode 225: How to Put Your Team Back Together

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Episode 224: What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

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Episode 223: What Forgiveness Can Do for You

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Episode 222: The Biggest Mistakes People Make When They are Heading for Burnout

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Episode 221: Why Loneliness Can Kill, and What to Do About it

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Episode 220: How to Set a Boundary No-one Can Break

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Episode 219: What to Do When a Colleague isn’t Pulling Their Weight

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Episode 218: Too Busy NOT to Pause

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Episode 217: How to Find Your Voice

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Episode 216: Only You Can Choose Your Next Move

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Episode 215: How to Make a Difficult Decision

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Episode 214: What Happens When You Stay Too Long

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Episode 213: How Money Holds Us Back

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Episode 212: eware Your Kindest Colleagues

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Episode 211: How to Tell People What You Really Think

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Episode 210: Why Setting Goals Alone Won’t Help

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Episode 209: Life’s Too Short NOT to Love What You Do

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Episode 208: Finding Your North Star

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Episode 207: How to Get Moving Again When You Feel Stuck

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Episode 206: The Most Powerful Question You Can Ask Yourself About Your Work

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Episode 205: How to Feel Confident in Any Situation

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Episode 204: How to Get Out of a Toxic Shame Spiral

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Episode 203: Getting a Breakthrough by Using Your Right Brain

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Episode 202: The Three-Step Plan for Getting Your Sh*t Together

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Episode 201: How to Decide if You Need to Stay or Leave a Difficult Situation

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Episode 200: What shame made me do

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Episode 199: How to Survive the Holiday Season

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Episode 198: How to Increase Your Confidence and Impact

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Episode 197: How to Deal With Your Inner Critic

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Episode 196: How to Escape the Tyranny of the ‘Shoulds’

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Episode 195: Am I Burning Out?

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Episode 194: How to Manage Your Energy if You’re a Highly Sensitive Person

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Episode 193: How Do You Say No When Someone Might Die?

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Episode 192: How to Challenge Upsetting Behaviour

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Episode 191: The Real Reason Other People’s Boundaries Make Us Cross

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Episode 190: How to Be REALLY Productive… Without Losing the Plot

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Episode 189: What Will Your Future Self Thank You for?

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Episode 188: Surprising Ways to Avoid Burnout

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Episode 187: Stress vs Overwhelm – And Why You Should Know the Difference

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Episode 186: How to Cope With Your Kids’ Anxiety, Your Colleagues, and Your Own

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Episode 185: Don’t Wait for Tomorrow to Improve – Take Control Now

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Episode 184: Is it You – or is it Menopause?

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Episode 183: Why You Don’t Need to Earn Your Rest

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Episode 182: Are Your Tiny Traumas Building Up to Burnout?

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Episode 181: Get Some Air Cover to Help You Set Boundaries

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Episode 180: What Happens When We’re Really Listened to

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Episode 179: How to Use Power Language to Keep Your Boundaries Strong

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Episode 178: How to Thrive in a High-Stress Job When You’re Neurodivergent

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Episode 177: Why You Should Expect Pushback and What to do About it

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Episode 176: Embrace Your Capacity, Not Your Limits

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Episode 175: How to Influence Without Getting Frustrated

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Episode 174: What to Do When You Can Never Do Enough as a Working Mum

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Episode 173: Do I Disappoint Myself or Others?

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Episode 172: How to Survive a Toxic System – on Both Sides of the Pond

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Episode 171: How to Avoid Amygdala Hijack Part 2

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Episode 170: How to Feel Happy, Calm, and Connected

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Episode 169: How to Avoid Amygdala Hijack

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Episode 168: How to Do Something Different in Your Career

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Episode 167: Why We Become Terrible in a Crisis

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Episode 166: Are You Ok?

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Episode 165: What’s Your Flight Plan?

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Episode 164: How to Stay Calm through Complaints (Even When It’s Personal)

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Episode 163: Why Can’t I Say No

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Episode 162: How to Stop Making Decisions Based on Fear

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Episode 161: The Problem with Boundaries

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Episode 160: How to Avoid Burnout on Repeat

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Episode 159: How to Have More Impact with Less Effort

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Episode 158: The Glass Slipper and Other Challenges for Women in Medicine

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Episode 157: The Power of Pressing Pause

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Episode 156: How to Change Your Life in 12 Minutes Per Week

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Episode 155: The ONE Thing to Do for Your Well-Being

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Episode 154: How to Fix Your Broken Meetings

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Episode 153: Think Differently About Your To-Do List

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Episode 152: How Perfectionism and Shame Lead to Stress and Burnout

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Episode 151: Embracing Your Limits in a Limitless System

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Episode 150: How to Get People to LOVE Your Ideas

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Episode 149: When Working Harder Doesn’t Work Anymore

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Episode 147: Best Bits of 2022: How to Build Confidence

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Episode 146: How to Deal with Xmas Disasters and Other Disappointments in Life

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Episode 145: How to Know if You’re Being ‘Resilience Victim Blamed’

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Episode 144: Job Crafting for Happiness

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Episode 143: Is It ‘Normal’ Not to Cope?

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Episode 142: How to Stop Finances Controlling Your Career with Dr Tommy Perkins

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Episode 141: You Choose

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Episode 140: How To Stop Emotional Eating, Eat Better and Feel Better with Dr Matthea Rentea and Keri Williams

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Episode 139: If It Didn’t Hurt, There’d Be Something Wrong

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Episode 138: How to Balance Life and Work with Dr Claire Kaye

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Episode 137: Shark Music

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Episode 136: How to Choose Joy, Even When Life Sucks with Angela Deutschmann

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Episode 135: How to Escape the Urgency Trap

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Episode 134: How to Tell People What They Don’t Want to Hear with Jane Gunn

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Episode 133: But Is It a Tiger?

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Episode 132: What to Do When You Are Overwhelmed with Gerrie Halls

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Episode 131: What To Do If You’re Stressed AND Bored

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Episode 130: How to Say F**k It and Become Ridiculously Relaxed (Even About Stuff that REALLY Matters) with John C Parkin

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Episode 129: How to Cope with Trauma on the Frontline with Dr Caroline Walker

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Episode 128: After Burnout: Planning a Working Life YOU Want with Dr Katya Miles

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Episode 127: After Burnout: Going Back to Work with Dr Katya Miles

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Episode 126: Using Nature to Answer Your Big Questions With Henri Stevenson

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Episode 125: How to Say No and Deal with Pushback with Annie Hanekom

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Episode 124: How to Change When Change is Scary with Dr Claire Kaye

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Episode 123: How to Live With No Regrets with Georgina Scull

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Episode 122: How to be Happy at Work with Sarah Metcalfe

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Episode 121: How to be a (Happy) Working Parent with Corrina Gordon-Barnes

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Episode 120: Making Online Meetings Work with John Monks

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Episode 119: How to Improve Your Mental Health in 10 minutes

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Episode 118: How to Manage Upwards (and Sideways) with Dr Claire Edwin and Dr Keerthini Muthuswamy

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Episode 117: The Surprising Power of Self Coaching (and How to Do It Well) with Dr Claire Kaye

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Episode 116: What I Got So Wrong About Mindfulness And How It Might Transform Your Life with Dr Steve Pratt

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Episode 115: How to Find Peace and Happiness, Even in a Life You with Dr Maddy Du Mont

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Episode 114: How to Get an Appraisal That Doesn’t Suck with Dr Susi Caesar

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Episode 113: What to Do When a Junior is Badmouthing Your Colleagues with Dr Ed Pooley

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Episode 112: Why We’re Ditching the Term ‘Imposter Syndrome’ with Dr Sarah Goulding

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Episode 111: What To Do When You Start To See Red with Graham Lee

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Episode 110: How To Stop People Pleasing And Absorbing Other People’s Angst

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Episode 109: Is It Possible to Have Fun At Work with Dr Kathryn Owler

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Episode 108: What We Wish We’d Learnt at Med School with Dr Ed Pooley and Dr Hussain Gandhi

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Episode 107: Defining Your Own Success in Life with Dr Claire Kaye

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Episode 106: How to Stop Worrying When There’s a Lot to Worry About with Caroline Walker

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Episode 105: The Simplest Way to Beat Stress and Work Happier with Dr Giles P Croft

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Episode 104: How to Cope With Nightmare Relatives and Colleagues Without Losing the Plot with Corrina Gordon-Barnes

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Episode 103: How Not to Settle For The Way It’s Always Been Done with Dr Abdullah Albeyatti

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Episode 102: Why FAIL is Not a 4-Letter Word with Dr Taj Hassan, Dr Claire Edwin, and Dr Sally Ross

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Episode 101: Making Helpful Habits Stick with Sheela Hobden

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Episode 100: Dealing With the Guilt of Not Being Okay With Dr Nik Kendrew

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Episode 99: How to Deal with Criticism When You’ve Reached Your Limit with Dr Sarah Coope and Dr Rachel Morris

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Episode 98 – Why It’s Easier to Talk About Football Than Feelings with Dr Naren Senthil Nathan

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Episode 97 – What to Do When Your Strengths Have Side Effects with Dr Joanna Bircher

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Episode 96 – How to Deal with Difficult Meetings with Jane Gunn

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Episode 95: 3 Conversations Which Will Get You Unstuck with Annie Hanekom

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Episode 94 – How to Reconnect with Your Purpose in Life with Dr Richard Pile

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Episode 93: How to Delegate, Do It, or Drop It with Anna Dearmon Kornick

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Episode 92: How to Avoid Becoming the Second Victim with Dr. Caraline Wright and Dr. Lizzie Sweeting

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Episode 91: How to Break Up With Your Toxic Relationship With Your Career with Dr. Pauline Morris

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Episode 90: What to Do with Bitching and Backbiting with Dr. Edward Pooley

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Episode 89 – Should I Stay or Should I Go with Corrina Gordon-Barnes

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Episode 88 – How to Ditch the Saviour Complex and Feel More Alive with Rob Bell

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Episode 87 – Complaints and How to Survive Them Episode 5: What Should I Do When I Think a Complaint is Unfair? And Other Questions with Drs Sarah Coope, George Wright, Samantha White, and Andrew Tressider

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Episode 86 – Gaslighting and Other Ways We’re Abused at Work: What’s Really Going On? with Dr James Costello

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Episode 85: Being a Good Communicator and Navigating Through Difficult Conversations at Work with Dr Edward Pooley

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Episode 84: Complaints and How to Survive Them Episode 4: Creating a Workplace Where It’s OK to Fail

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Episode 83 – The Ups and Downs of Being a Man-Frog with Dr Chris Hewitt

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Episode 82 – Complaints and How to Survive Them Series Episode 3: Surviving the Process with Drs Jessica Harland, Caroline Walker and Heidi Mousney

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Episode 81 – When Soft and Fluffy Met Coronavirus with Steve Andrews

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Episode 80: Complaints and How to Survive Them Episode 2: What to Do When You Make a Mistake with Drs Clare Devlin and Dr John Powell

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Episode 79: How to Give Yourself Permission to Thrive with Dr Katya Miles

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Episode 78: Complaints and How to Survive Them Episode 1: Preparing to Fail Well with Drs Sarah Coope, Annalene Weston and Sheila Bloomer

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Episode 77: Denial, Displacement and Other Ways We Neglect Ourselves with Dr Andrew Tresidder

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Episode 76: Tech Tips for Happy Hybrid Working with Dr Hussain Gandhi

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Episode 75 – How to Escape the Drama Triangle and Stop Rescuing People with Annie Hanekom

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Episode 74: Managing your Time in a System Which Sucks with Dr Ed Pooley

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Episode 73: How to Find Your Tribe: The PMGUK story with Dr Nazia Haider and Dr Katherine Hickman

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Episode 72: Working well – from anywhere! with Dr Katya Miles

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Episode 71: Create a Career You’ll Love with Dr Claire Kaye

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Episode 70: How Safe Do You Feel At Work with Scott Chambers

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Episode 69: Make Time for What Matters with Liz O’Riordan

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Episode 68: The Revolutionary Act of Breathing with Richard Jamieson

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Episode 67 – Bringing Your Best Self to Work with Dr Sarah Goulding

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Episode 66 – Staying Positive Through COVID – Getting Back to Basics with Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee

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Episode 65 – Passing the Naughty Monkey Back with Dr Amit Sharma

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Episode 64 – What to Do When You Are Out of Fuel with Dr Jess Harvey

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Episode 63 – How to Survive Even When Times are Tough with Dr Caroline Walker

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Episode 62: Self-Coaching for Success with Dr Karen Castille, OBE

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Episode 61: the Self Help Book On Happiness with Dr Nik Kendrew

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Episode 60: Creating a Workplace that Works with Dr Sonali Kinra

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Episode 59: A Social Dilemma with Dr James Thambyrajah

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Episode 58: Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace with Dr Adam Harrison

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Episode 57: Fertilizer For Your Brain

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Episode 56: Very Nice People and Other Deadly Perils

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Episode 55: The One About Alcohol

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Episode 54: How to work flexibly, without the stress

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Episode 53: How to be more anti-racist

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Episode 52: A Year of the Frog

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Episode 51: How to stay calm and focused in the face of uncertainty

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Episode 50: Freeing Yourself From The Money Trap

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Episode 49: The Self Help Book Group No 2 with Nik Kendrew

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Episode 48: Looking after your people through COVID and beyond

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Episode 47: How to have a courageous conversation

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Episode 46: Default to happy

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Episode 45: Rest. The final frontier

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Episode 44: How to ACT instead of stewing on your thoughts

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Episode 43: COVID-19 Supporting Doctors. COVID boredom – what should we do?

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Episode 42: Ask the frog – What will you Stop Start Continue after lockdown?

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Episode 41: How to be a professional woman with Dame Jane Dacre

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Episode 40: Leading with tough love with Gary Hughes

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Episode 39: How we show up through the lens of the Enneagram, with Annie Hanekom

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Episode 38: How to be an adult with Ebonie Allard

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Episode 37: How to manage conflict during COVID with Jane Gunn

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Episode 36: COVID-19 Supporting Doctors. COVID fatigue – what’s going on, and what we can do about it

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Episode 35: The Power of the Positive with Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee

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Episode 34: Treat others as they would like to be treated. Top tips for dealing with stress in others

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Episode 33: COVID-19 Supporting Doctors: Why we expect too much of ourselves and how to give ourselves a break

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Episode 32: How to take control of your thoughts, with Corrina Gordon Barnes

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Episode 31: Get off your phone! How to limit your social media and news consumption to beat stress and anxiety

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Episode 30: COVID-19 Supporting Doctors: Moral injury hurts with Dr Caroline Walker and Dr Rachel Morris

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Episode 29: Caring for ourselves whilst coping with loss with Dr Jonathan Griffiths

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Episode 28: COVID-19 Supporting Doctors 2

Dr Caroline Walker and Dr Rachel Morris

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Episode 27: COVID-19 Supporting Doctors

Dr Caroline Walker and Dr Rachel Morris

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Episode 26: Getting into the flow

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Episode 25: The truth about burnout

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Episode 24: At what cost?

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Episode 23: How to do conflict

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Episode 22: The perils of perfectionism

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Episode 21: Help! I’m turning into a monster at work

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Episode 20: A creative solution to stress

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Episode 19: Burgers, busyness and business

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Episode 18: Help! Work is taking over my life

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Episode 17: The Self-Help Book Club – First Edition

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Episode 16: Productivity hacks for a calm and effective life

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Episode 15: Eff It Living. An evidence-based way to beat stress and change your life

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Episode 14: Help! My senior partner is a jerk

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Episode 13: Yes you really do need friends at work and other life hacks

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Episode 12: When doctors lose someone they love

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Episode 11: The magical art of reading sweary books

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Episode 10: What we’re talking about when we talk about Compassion Fatigue

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Episode 9: Making change happen in a world full of NoNos

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Episode 8: Emotions and vulnerability, friend or foe?

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Episode 7: Why saying yes is far more dangerous than saying no

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Episode 6: Making small changes to get great results

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Episode 5: Creative Career Management

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Episode 4: How to survive the really tough stuff with Dr Liz O’Riordan

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Episode 3: Your passions may not be what you think they are with Dr Surina Chibber

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Episode 2: Tiny Habits with Dr

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Episode 1: When doctors get ill

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